UAFX Enigmatic 82 Overdrive Special Amp Captures


4 Captures

  1. Clean

  2. Add Overdrive

  3. Add Overdrive & Preamp Boost

  4. Add Overdrive (High)

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4 Captures

  1. Clean

  2. Add Overdrive

  3. Add Overdrive & Preamp Boost

  4. Add Overdrive (High)

4 Captures

  1. Clean

  2. Add Overdrive

  3. Add Overdrive & Preamp Boost

  4. Add Overdrive (High)


Listen to this patch in use

Youtube Video for Neural DSP Quad Boss BD-2W and SD-1W Captures

Most of us will never have the opportunity to play a real dumble amp. UAFX takes us 1 step closer when they released the new Enigmatic 82 Special Overdrive Amp.

We captured 4 different settings of the UAFX Enigmatic.

  1. Clean

  2. Add Overdrive

  3. Add Overdrive & Preamp Boost

  4. Add Overdrive (High)

All captures are based on the “100W, high plate, stiff PS” amp with GB25 Cab (Red).

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